The new "DACH" Yomi learning program for Chassidus! Learn one daf per day plus an extra daf on Shabbos in order to finish the entire Torah Ohr / Likkutei Torah of the Baal HaTanya in one year. Torah Ohr / Likkutei Torah is considered the "Oral Torah" of Chassidus Chabad and a vital way to get a B'kius in the gamut of Chassidus Chabad. Episode sponsorships/dedications are available through or by emailing - This project was launched by Rabbi Meyer and Shandel Gutnick.
Latest Episodes
Torah Ohr Daf 62 - From Sea to Dry Land with Rabbi Dovid Leib Shmerling
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Torah Ohr Daf 61 Planting the Seeds for Redemption w/ Rabbi Dovid Leib Shmerling
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Torah Ohr Daf 60 - Bonding of Opposites w/ Love
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Torah Ohr Daf 59 - the Land of Deer and Desire w/ Rabbi Dovid Leib Shmerling
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Torah Ohr Daf 58 - the Kabbalah of the Neck w/ Rabbi Dovid Leib Shmerling
Visit for more resources.להבין שרשי הדברים הנ"ל (נח, ב)מצרים הוא בחי' מיצר מי, וקאי על מיצר הגרון, שפרעה עומד על היאור, דהיאור הוא ההמשכה ...