All Episodes
Torah Ohr Daf 62 - From Sea to Dry Land with Rabbi Dovid Leib Shmerling
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Torah Ohr Daf 61 Planting the Seeds for Redemption w/ Rabbi Dovid Leib Shmerling
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Torah Ohr Daf 60 - Bonding of Opposites w/ Love
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Torah Ohr Daf 59 - the Land of Deer and Desire w/ Rabbi Dovid Leib Shmerling
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Torah Ohr Daf 58 - the Kabbalah of the Neck w/ Rabbi Dovid Leib Shmerling
Visit for more resources.להבין שרשי הדברים הנ"ל (נח, ב)מצרים הוא בחי' מיצר מי, וקאי על מיצר הגרון, שפרעה עומד על היאור, דהיאור הוא ההמשכה ...
Torah Ohr Daf 57 - Snakes are Really Staffs w/ Rabbi Dovid Leib Shmerling
“Vayomer Hashem el Moshe v’el Aharon kach es matecha…”Q1: What is the inner meaning of the staff and the snake?Q2: Why was this the first miracle performed by Moshe?It...
Torah Ohr Daf 56 - What can WE do that Avraham Avinu Couldn't? w/ Rabbi Dovid Leib Shmerling
“Vaeirah el Avrham…”: Shaddai= the contemplation which leads to spiritual emotions (the Avos). Although this level of Hashem was revealed to the Avos (and is an aspect...
Torah Ohr Daf 55 - Beginning Parshas Va'eira w / Rabbi Dovid Leib Shmerling
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Torah Ohr Daf 54 - How to Experience Elokus w /Rabbi Baruch Epstein
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Torah Ohr Daf 53 - The Purpose of Saying Brachos w/ Rabbi Baruch Epstein
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Torah Ohr Daf 51 - The Root of Geula. w / Rabbi Baruch Epstien
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Torah Ohr Daf 50 - Speech vs. Thought w / Rabbi Baruch Epstein
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Torah Ohr Daf 49 - The Value of Deep Torah Study w/ Rabbi Baruch Epstei
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Torah Ohr Daf 48 - Three Levels of Ahava (Love) w / Rabbi Dovid Leib Shmerling
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Torah Ohr Daf 47 Spiritual Dimension of Wine and Milk w /Rabbi Dovid Leib Shmerling
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Torah Ohr Daf 46 - Two Types of Wine
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Torah Ohr Daf 45 - The 4 step spiritual plan: Reuven, Shimon, Levi, Yehuda w/ Rabbi Dovid Leib Shmerling
Torah Ohr Daf 44 Part 2: The Treasure Within w / Rabbi Dovid Leib Shmerling
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Torah Ohr Daf 44 Part 1: Yosef vs. Yehudah w / Rabbi Dovid Leib Shmerling
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Torah Ohr Daf 43 - Mitzvah Air & Torah Parables w / Rabbi Dovid Leib Shmerling
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Torah Ohr Daf 42 - Letters and Lights
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Torah Ohr Daf 40 כי אתה נרי..
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Torah Ohr Daf 39, Vayeishev / Chanukah, Biur Al Hanal with Rabbi Dovid L. Shmerling
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Torah Ohr Daf 38 מי כה' אלוקינו w/ Rabbi Dovid Leib Shmerling
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Torah Ohr Daf 37 2-רני ושמחי בת ציון w/ Rabbi Dovid Leib Shmerling
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Torah Ohr Daf 36 We are Hashem's Daughter, Sister and Mother (Rani V'simchi #1)
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Torah Ohr Daf 35 How to Make Hashem Manifest to us Earthlings (end of Ki Imcha...)
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